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All Breastfeeding USA meetings are free and open to all women interested in breastfeeding.  We welcome expectant mothers, nursing mamas, and children of all ages.  We do offer couples meetings and social events from time to time as well.

Meetings are led by Breastfeeding USA Counselors; all volunteer Breastfeeding USA Counselors have extensive personal experience with breastfeeding, have undergone an intensive educational course, and are certified by Breastfeeding USA.

Our meetings are safe, welcoming environments that seek to foster mother to mother support.

Meeting Locations


Specific Saturdays at 10:00 am
Colchester Public Library
8 Linwood Ave, Colchester


The 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:15 am
St. Francis Access Center
7 Elm Street, Enfield (3rd Floor – Suite 301)

West Hartford

The 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm-8pm
Susan Forrester Lactation
485 New Park Ave, West Hartford, CT
(Second floor – stroller access available)